If you leave or change a role, you can revoke an authorization at any time by going to the same place in the dashboard. How to best use Facebook Business Manager? Your Business Manager account is now complete. You have the essential resources, and the people to help you have been added with appropriate authorization levels. All you have to do is configure your account in order to manage your marketing and advertising actions with maximum efficiency .
Here are the features to activate and use without moderation. Facebook pixels To optimize your performance with Facebook Ads (or Instagram Ads), you must be able to collect precise data on the behavior of Internet users who click on your BTB Directory advertisements and on the results of your campaigns . For this purpose, it is essential to configure, then install “pixels” on your business website pieces of code, automatically generated by the platform, which play the same role as tracking tags for Google.

Analytics. To do this, follow these steps From the dashboard, click "Pixels" in "Data Sources", then click "Add". Give your Facebook pixel a name , and enter the URL of your website (this is not an obligation, but this will allow the platform to make valuable recommendations regarding the configuration of the pixel). Install the pixel on your website by clicking “Set up pixel now”. Please note even if there is no advertising campaign in progress, it is useful to configure your Facebook pixel .