There are three points to look at Don't forget to change the HTTP headers...look at the user agent and direct the user to a specific page. Maintain a list of user agents...be careful as they are subject to change Eliminate unintended content mismatch between desktop and mobile Key elements for responsive design Responsive site checklist accessibility Resources, page assets ○ Meta Viewport tag ○ Scaling images and rich media Break point ○ Block resources with Robots.txt Even if you do it for page speed, it only improves by a few microseconds, so it's best not to do it. Meta Viewport tag Width=device-width ⇒ Matches the physical width of the device Initial-scale ⇒ Access in a zoomed state when visiting.
User-scale ⇒ Zoom is possible (value is yes or no) If using different attributes, separate them with commas Make sure your images and videos are also responsive If you want to display different images on different devices, it is better to use media query or <picture> attribute. This eliminates the need to load large images and India Phone Number scroll down. Video elements should not be larger than the viewport. Video size is controlled using media queries and JavaScript. break point Use GoogleAnalytics reports to check whether you have set optimal breakpoints. break point Google's Gary has announced that a full-scale transition to MFI will begin in April of this year, but the best way to prepare for the transition is to review your mobile measures now.

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