So you could make a video version of your content just for FB and then link to the full guide from there. Share more than once. WAY MORE THAN ONCE. Put your content into a rotation so it’s getting regular exposure to more, new, different people. Focus on the platforms that work best in your industry. If you’re in the grooming business, you’re going to want to create some beautiful images of bearded men (with the beards as the focal point, natch) for Instagram and Pinterest.
Social media content promotion Sick beard content, bro But hey. Hey. Organic social promotion Benin WhatsApp Number might not be enough. Good news though – paid social promotion is pretty affordable! And it can really get the ball rolling, leading to more people reading and sharing your content for free. Our founder Larry Kim is kind of the king of paid social promotion. Some of his best tips for content marketers using paid social promotion include: Promote to targeted audiences – don’t just broadcast. For example, on Facebook you could promote your new guide only to men between the ages of 18 and 29. On Twitter, you can promote your post to a certain hashtag.

Most social platforms have some kind of relevancy algorithm – on Facebook, it’s called Relevance Score. Basically, how it works is that higher engagement rates keep your ad in the rotation and lower the cost you pay per engagement. If you see that a certain headline or image is performing well with your audience, replicate it! Set aside some money to promote your posts on social and make sure targeted users see it. In that Buzzsumo case study I mentioned above, Steve Rayson writes.