View the rating To identify the features of niche representation on the Internet, let’s look at some indicators in more detail: Indexing Statistics of website indexing indicators Statistics of website indexing indicators Only % have a moderate deviation between Yandex and Google indexing. In this case, most often Yandex sees more pages . In some cases, it indexed , and even times more pages. Most sites have Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml. ⅔ of sites have duplicate main pages. At the same time, duplicates with different numbers of slashes in the URL are not the worst
thing. We discovered entire sites that were copies of each Afghanistan WhatsApp Number other. What to do: First, check the number of indexed pages in Google and Yandex. For this purpose, the Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster services will help . If you are still not using them, then you are one step behind the competition. If there is a big difference in indexing, determine what is wrong. Perhaps one system does not see some pages , and therefore the number of indexed pages is lower. Or perhaps the system sees something extra , and the number is higher. Problems need to be

solved in two directions: Adjustment of sitemap.xml and robots.txt Manually adding site pages to the queue for indexing Micro markup Diagram of distribution of sites depending on the presence and state of micro markup Distribution of sites depending on the presence and state of micro markup The distribution of sites by the presence and state of microdata can be called typical: Opengraph is more common than Schema (in % of sites versus %). have it partially or with errors. What to do: Although many people underestimate the importance of microdata, it indirectly affects rankings.