Securing websites against hacking - we check the sitelock application in action March | entry update: December A malfunctioning website, infected with viruses and replaced by a hacker, is doubly harmful to its owner. He has to invest a lot of money in fixing it, and secondly, his customers will go to the competition. How to deal with this? Current software updates (e.g. Wordpress, as we wrote about here) are basically the basis for security. It is also worth checking regularly whether the website is vulnerable to attacks. For this purpose, we tested the sitelock service, which scans and detects security vulnerabilities in several hosting elements.
Table of contents hide . Daily malware scan. Website application scan . Network scan . Sql injection (sqli) vulnerability scan . Cross-site scripting (xss) vulnerability scan . Ssl scan . Spam scan . Advisories. Sitelock smart . Test results The operation of the sitelock service has been designed to Mobile App Development Service be as simple as possible. Therefore, the construction of the tool itself may seem uncomplicated (we only have access to the user dashboard and... technical support), but it is the simplicity that is the strong point of this solution. From only one place, the user will scan his website and "screen" it for security. Sitelock examines such security areas as: daily malware scan Sitelock scans websites every day for the presence of malware to detect potential threats before search engines do it.

The scan can find malware on the website and links to other infected websites. web applications such as Wordpress or Joomla open the way for hackers to gain access to the website and its data.Sitelock scans your sites and checks that your applications are up to date and free from security vulnerabilities. Network scan allows you to check whether your operator's server is safe and whether the appropriate ports are open or closed. Sql injection (sqli) vulnerability scan injecting malicious code is one of the most common methods of infecting a website. The scan will detect and inform you about.