It is the most frequently used andrecommended status code, Response Temporarily Moved It is a status code that we may encounter in the process of temporarily redirecting to a more similar page instead of the incoming user encountering an incorrect or blank screen in cases where the web page to which the request is sent is in process. Temporary redirects are used, especially on ecommerce websites, to redirect the user to the category page or a similar product page for a short time in case the product stocks run out.
Since the process performed here will be more serverside, users will be redirected to the relevant web page without understanding the difference between and redirects. Response Access Permission Problem It is the status code encountered when Christmas Island Email List a userside request does not have access permission at the point of accessing the web page, or if the website is spammed or banned. Response Not Found This is the error status code returned if the web page that the user wants to access cannot be found.

The relevant web page may have been deleted. In this case, users prefer to leave the websites after seeing the Not Found error on the web page. Since our ultimate goal is to keep users on the website longer, you can redirect the user to the home page or category pages by preparing custom pages. An example would be Disney custom page: Response Permanently Deleted It indicates that the server does not have the web page the user requested to access. Compared to the status code,