The options include: Simples Nacional , Presumed Profit and Real Profit. 1. Simples Nacional It is the most chosen taxation model, due to the fact that it unifies tax payment in just one tab called DAS (Simple Collection Document). 2. Presumed Profit In this taxation system, the main federal taxes are: Corporate Income Tax ( IRPJ ); Social Contribution on Net Profit (CSLL).
Quarterly using the revenue for that period as a gross calculation basis and with a presumption percentage of your profit stipulated in the legislation, according to your activity. There is also PIS/COFINS which is levied on gross revenue and ISSQN which is the municipal service Australia Phone Number tax. 3. Real Profit It is not recommended in most cases, as it does not pay for most healthcare service providers, especially psychologists.

What is the best option for a psychologist? Due to the activity of a psychologist, which cannot be MEI , there are other ways to open a company and pay lower tax burdens. In Simples Nacional, there are three types: EI – Individual Entrepreneur – is a business category that allows the formation of a company in the name of the entrepreneur himself.