You might be seeing stagnant or inactive workflows processes. If your database charges you based on the number of contacts, be aware of a growing database full of inactive contacts. Finally, have your sales or deals fallen? These are all signs that you're not gaining productive, new leads. Why might this be happening? There are a few potential reasons Your customers may have lost interest in your emails or solutions. Maybe they found an alternative brand. If they were in the middle of the purchase or deal pipeline, perhaps they abandoned their intention to buy, didn't fully understand the product, or received no follow up from your end. Finally, maybe they are just simply forgetful. No worries! These are all things you can address in your re engagement campaign. What kind of content works best for email re engagement campaigns? database re engagement via emailAccording to a Campaign Monitor survey, the top types of emails most likely to be opened by users are personal correspondence, promotional offer sale discount from a familiar brand, and new products from a brand they love.
We can summarize this into P's personalization, promotions, and products. The survey photo editing servies also found users' favorite types of content to be discount codes, exclusive sales, new product announcements, and content curated to their interests. This makes sense and supports the P's we saw above. These two findings give us an important look into the mindset of users, which you can use when developing your email strategy and curating content for re engagement emails. database re engagement campaigns to try . GDPR Campaign Acommon tactic for re engaging the contacts in your database is an email opt in campaign, also known as GDPR email campaigns.

It's basically a way of updating the permissions of your contacts, in line with GDPR laws. Remember, your contacts must give explicit content pre ticked boxes or default settings don't work in this case. This is a great way not only to stay up to date with the law, but also to discover which people on your mailing list are truly engaged. Be warned you do risk losing a segment of your audience if they choose not to opt into your mailings. But the ones that stay will have actively chosen to keep receiving your content. It's better to clean out the people who aren't interested in your business and improve your tactics for the people who are.