Subject of the additional patent, the additional patents to the main patent become patents and remain valid for the period for which the main patent was granted. If the main patent becomes invalid for a reason that does not affect the invention that is the subject of the additional patent, the additional patents to the main patent become patents and remain valid for the period for which the main patent was granted. A cause not affecting the invention may be the surrender.
Of the main patent or the failure to pay the periodic fee for the main patent when due. These reasons do not affect the invention that is the subject of an additional patent. IMPORTA ifirma.plEconomy The most important phone number list conceptsdevelopment – is development possible without economic growth It is quite common that economic growth and development are mistakenly treated as synonyms. Although these phenomena are related, they do not necessarily always occur simultaneously. Economic growth - issues discussed: Economic growth and economic development Alternatives to economic growth.

Is development possible without economic growth Economic growth - summary In this article we will consider in what situations it is possible for the economy to develop despite the lack of growth Economic growth and economic development We have already had the opportunity to write about economic growth here . As a reminder, economic growth refers to quantitative changes that lead to improvements in people's quality of life and well-being. Economic development is a much broader concept and covers three similar areas: economic growth, social development and socio-economic development.