Paid: advertising in other channels through administrators or telegram channel exchanges; targeted advertising in Telegram Ads - it can be launched through an intermediary agency or directly if you have an extra couple of million euros; advertising through Yandex Business - please note that advertising will not appear in Telegram, but on Yandex sites. Free: inviting participants from your contact list at the initial stage; registration in numerous directories; Mutual PR – mutual placement of advertising posts in channels with an equivalent audience by agreement; repost to your social networks. Free methods alone are definitely not enough.
At this stage, it is worth testing several methods and determining the most effective and suitable ones, taking into account the budget. The target can show unexpectedly good results - read about all the possibilities for promotion in Telegram in 2022 in the latest review. To attract users Web Development Services to the channel, you can use useful materials and profitable offers - create offers for different segments of the target audience, offer discounts and bonuses for the first order from Telegram, launch competitions or talk about the loyalty program. Again, pay attention to how competitors behave and how they meet customer needs.
What you need to consider when advertising on Telegram: advertising should be closely intertwined with the content in the channel or group. Users who follow the link in the advertisement will see current content in the Telegram channel that should meet their request. That is why you first need to prepare a content plan, and then offers for advertising campaigns. The post in the channel at the time of advertising launch should be a continuation of the promotional post. Module 4 of the course “Promotion in Telegram” is devoted to a complete overview of promotion methods in Telegram and how they work.