So, set little checkpoints along the way to mark successes. Organize your communication. This seems like an oxymoron, but setting a communication schedule or at least simple expectations will ensure that neither you nor your client fall off each other’s map. Is your client or user in the same time zone? Do they want a weekly, biweekly, or monthly check-in? Will you include them in your newsletter lists and company updates? Most important is the direct question: How often do they want to hear from you? If your client relationships are tech-based, ask them this question on the form they fill out when signing up for your product. If not, ask the client directly — for service-based firms, it might be necessary to front-load communication early on to make sure you’re not missing anything and slowly taper off from there.
Consider the tech. Whatever your CMS is, create a plan to integrate analytics, the client’s own Phone Number List data, and their technologies into your engagement. Onboarding tools exist to automate the customer’s journey through the onboarding process — many of them also contain pre-formatted checklists and check-in forms to help you expedite onboarding’s organizational component. But don’t forget to customize — it’s easy to rely on these tools to the point that you’re performing the same onboarding process for everyone. It doesn’t have to — and it shouldn’t — be that way. . Exchange feedback. And do it often.
Don’t share just your own; listen to client feedback.for it. Is this communication schedule working for you? Is there something that you feel like you’re missing? Does this goal schedule make sense in conjunction with your expectations? Exchanging feedback works two-fold: You clarify expectations during the process, and as time moves forward, you make sure that the engagement is well-balanced and that you’re able to give to them while working your other accounts. We know that the key to good business is making the customer feel like they’re the only one you’re working with, but that applies to every other client too. Client Onboarding Examples .