Banner blindness: how to get through information noise?
Banner blindness is a headache for marketers around the world. You can make up forcending hooking offers and work with attractive visual content, spend millions on advertising and attracting traffic, but in the general flow of information noise, the user can simply ignore creativity. So the human brain filters data, cutting off everything, in his opinion, unnecessary, and trying to focus on the main thing.This phenomenon occurs not only in digital, but also in other types of advertising – we successfully ignore what we do not consider worthy of attention, even if we are talking about a huge street billboard.
To understand how to overcome the effect of banner blindness, it is necessary to understand the causes of its appearance.
Why are we losing in the fight for human attention?
A modern person living in a society is forced to process a huge amount of information that he receives daily. Meanwhile, high competition in various business niche makes marketers in inventing more and more new ways to promote goods and services. And, amenable, many of these methods are quite aggressive.
Every year, the struggle for the audience takes new forms, especially on the Internet: in addition to standard advertisements for website promotion, techniques based on user behavior, native integrations, self-replicate videos, pop-ups that cannot be closed, and much more are used. Thus, banner blindness in marketing is a natural way to protect against toxic methods of promotion and overabundant data. The reason for the intensive filtering of the information flow is also:
Habit. Users are so accustomed to advertising that they stop paying attention to it, which means that they get into the essence of the sentence.
The dish-hatedness of advertisers. Some of the visitors of the web resources have already encountered fraudsters or have gained other negative experience after interacting with advertising. After that, they distrust absolutely every proposal, not passing on ads.
Subconscious avoidance. Blocs with ads are located in the usual places on the portals - to the right of the main content. Users are so accustomed to banners in this part of the page that subconsciously do not even translate there.
Lack of interest. Demonstration of advertising creatives is configured without taking into account the interests of users. You just “disted not into the target audience”, so the ads are ignored, and the ads themselves do not cause either negative or positive emotions.
Irritation. Too bright, flashing banners, the inability to study the main content of the site because of constantly jumping ads causes a desire to close the page as soon as possible.
When intuition fails the user
Banner blindness is one of the most common reasons for the decline in conversion is not only advertising, but also the page on which such materials are located. It is not obvious to many, but this is a fact: nearby objects are beginning to seem similar, and if the brain has already recognized a bright and attractive banner as an advertising message, then with a high degree of probability will rank to this category and all the content located nearby.
There is also such an interesting term as informational smell: when non-commercial materials are surrounded by blocks with advertising, previous user experience, appearance and location of such objects will push to the conclusion that on the advertising page is absolutely everything!
Moreover, to combat banner blindness, most marketers do not act quite on page seo service correctly. Specialists change the offer and visual, as a result of which the opposite effect is achieved: the way to attract customers becomes more aggressive, offers are intrusive.
The result of such “working on errors” will be an irrationally expended budget and the high cost of a lid, which may ultimately not be targeted. It is necessary to fight this phenomenon much more, controlling the results after any change in the marketing strategy.
How to break banner blindness?
First, you need to make sure that the cause of low conversion is in it, and not in a weak offer or misunderstanding of your target audience. And only after the test results confirm that banner blindness is to turn to all the fault - it is worth moving to active actions.
Act notypically
The user’s view moves through the page on the left to the right, repeating the trajectory of the letter F. At the same time, most are accustomed to the fact that important information on web resources is located in the center and left, and everything that is on the right and above can be ignored. It is in this part of the page that advertisements are usually placed.
Move them to an atypical place, placing them on the left side of the main content, or put a banner at the top center. The secret is that themes of the ads and the general theme of the page coincide. For example, an advertisement for a restaurant in this blog will look completely hen abnormal, but if we decide to place an invitation to web designers courses, it is highly likely that it will not cause irritation and break banner blindness.
Do not forget about the style of design banners: visually advertising should not be too different from the main design concept of the page. It’s all about the same “brain traps”: by evaluating the information before reading and noticing a foreign object that stands out against a general background, we will ignore it rather than pay attention to it. In the case when advertising is visually similar to the main content – it will not cause irritation and will rather attract attention.
Observance Balance
The abundance of promotional materials several times increases the so-called information smell: the rest of the content on the page simply cease to be taken seriously. When you’re posting something on your website, be moderate. One – two advertising banners on the page are more than enough to attract and retain attention and not cause a negative reaction.
Use the format of native integration
A thematic article that describes the pain and problems of the target audience, and at the end, a specific product that can solve them will help attract much more traffic, a week advertising banner. Especially if the material will be expert, and the information contained in it is useful.
Give preference to quality, not quantity: native integration among bloggers and opinion leaders often do not look like outright advertising, but are much more expensive. However, a subscriber from such traffic channels comes a completely different quality - "warm" and ready to buy.
Study User Behavior
The better you know your client and the behavioral patterns that guide him, the more effectively you choose and use marketing methods. Only you can say that you will like your audience, and what is a categorically unacceptable option that will forever alienates a person from your company.
Work on loyalty
Trusting the brand, customers are ready to forgive him a lot. Including – and advertising on the site. Try to build a marketing strategy in a way that attracts not just the maximum of traffic, but to inspire confidence in your target audience.
An important role in building trust is also played by the representation of your business on the Internet - a personal website of the company, broadcasting its philosophy and values. With the help of the Taptop constructor, you can not only experiment with different formats of advertising blocks and their appearance, but also create a portal without writing code, which will become a kind of magnet for customers.